Thursday, March 8, 2012

Kony 2012

Okay, so I’ll admit that yesterday was the first time that I’ve ever heard of the name Kony or the invisible children. And yes, I did hear about it through facebook as most people did. I think it’s great that there are people willing to stand up for what they believe in. Any war is bad, but when children are invovled it’s just beyond disgusting especially when this guy has absolutely no reason to be doing what hes doing. He’s only trying to maintain his power, and because of his greed children are suffering. Their childhoods are being ripped away from them. No, I don’t have my own children yet, but I look at it this way. What if my child was kidnapped from me and forced to be a sex slave or a child solider? Wouldn’t you want someone to step in and put a stop to it? To bring your precious baby back to you? I know I would! So let’s make him famous. Let’s put a stop to him! Kony is going to be captured in 2012!

Monday, February 20, 2012


This is just another blog I started. I'm using it as my deployment diary if anyone's interested.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm actually sitting in the living room right now thinking about everything that's happened in the past two years and three months that I've been married to my Marine, and I can honestly say that as a person I've grown. I've become stronger, and it's true what they say about the things that we go through only make us stronger. Boy have we been through alot including fertility issues, money issues, Marine issues, and the typical issues that all young couples have to face. I can honestly say that I am proud of myself and where I am at. And, though we are facing our first deployment soon (I have 11 days until I move home) I am excited to say that I can't wait to see how much I grow while he's gone. (though I'll miss him beyond crazy) because that's how it goes. You find out how strong you really are when he's gone. You learn to do things that you never knew you were able to do. When my husband went to Yuma and I was left behind, I learned so much that I's never thought I'd have to do. Including learning to do the basic stuff for our car. DEPLOYMENT I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS

The reason I don't care for Military wives

Is basically, all the military wives here where I'm stationed only want to be friends with you as long as you have something to offer them. When that runs out they totally forget about you.Which is fine because I don't really want to have friends like that anyway. I deserve way better than that because I feel that I am a good person. You don't want to b my friend well then that's your loss not mine. I'd rather stay home and have no friends here then fake friends.

So, I had a friend and we were really close for a while. When she moved to her own home off base we pretty much stopped talking. She kept saying she would come visit but never did. When she said she'd text me when she would come she never did. I ran into her husband at the clinic and he asked me to message her, which I did. needless to say, she never responded back. And, today out of the blue (like a month after I ran into her husband) she finally txted me back asking how I was doing. I responded telling her that I was fine and that I was busy packing. After that, I never heard back from her. I had thought that she was a decent person, but in the scheme of things I guess it really doesn't matter. O well.

The reason I'm writing this is because I guess that kind of bothered me. If you're going to text me don't txt me one time and then forget to text back. But then again, this has been my experience with almost all military wives since I've been a military wife, and like I said at the beginning of the post, I'd rather stay home and have no friends rather than fake friends. :(

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The sea of never ending things to get done

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. Still trying to swim the sea of never ending things to get done. I have about two weeks until I move home and though I've been working on packing I really feel like I haven't gotten ANYTHING done. There's so much left to do I don't think I'll ever get done. This upcoming week is going to be even busier than the last.

Because I've been busy with getting the house ready for the move I've kind of been on a writing hiatus. It sucks I know. I feel like I have a TON of catching up to do. I'm so behind on everything. I just have to keep trucking through. Eventually I will get everything done. :( Gotta go to the store and get more boxes. Lots of Love to all <3

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thought of the day

I really wish I could hire someone to come pack the whole house for me. I have about three weeks till I move home for hubby's deployment and I have so much to do. Everything's just piling up on me and the longer that I procrastinate the less time I have to get everything done. I have to say that I'm happy to be going home, but I really don't want to have to tell my husband good bye. That's going to be the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. We've been together for so long now I'm going to be lost without him. On the flip side, he said that I could get another puppy while he's gone.We already have two wonderful huskies (who will be staying with my amazing aunt) but I want something ALOT smaller so that I can have something with me like a miniture poodle or something. (It's hard to cuddle with my huskies lol) It's not going to make up for the husband being gone though. Oh well, I guess we'll just see how it goes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Slump

I am so stuck in the middle of a block! I haven't been in one in a looooooooong time. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to be completely stuck. I really need to find some inspiration! It was my goal to finish this chapter of my book this week, but it doesn't really look like it's going to happen. On top of this nasty thing that I like to call "the slump", I've got a million other things to do before this month's over, and today happens to be grocery shopping. Blah, this really isn't my month. I think I'm going to search through some of my older works to try to find some inspiration.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Finally Februray

So, It's offically Februray. bleh. I'm both very happy and very sad at the same time. It's the month for romance with Valentine's day on it's way and my birthday is also his month. I'll turn 21 on the 20th. I'm kind of exctied about it, but eh. It's also the last month I'll be spending with my husband. Because at the end of the month I'm moving home to stay with my family while my husband goes on deployment. I'm excited to go home and see family,but I'm really not excited about being apart from my husband for that long. He's my best friend and I'm going to be so lost without him. Please forgive me if I don't update my blog that much because I've got a million things to do in lou of moving home. I'll keep you updated as much as possible though.

Thanks <3

Friday, January 27, 2012


Okay, for anyone who cares, I'm not pregnant. I didn't even ovulate. The clomid hasn't worked at all. So my doctor wants me to see a reproductive endocrynolisist when the hubby gets home from deployment. That means no baby for seven more months. :( Luckily we'll probably get to do IVF
Wish me luck and keep me in your prayers please

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Anti-bully: You ARE worth it

It really pushes my wrong buttons when I hear that a child committed suicide because they were bullied. It kills me inside. when you're a kid you don't really know who you're going to be. You're like a seed waiting to sprout into something beautiful. It doesn't matter what you look like or what kind of things you're into for that moment. I look at it this way, what if it was my own child being bullied? What if it was my little brother? I went through that kind of pain as a kid, and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Our young people should be protected from this kid of torment.

The best advice that I can give to the younger generation is this: Find a strong support system whether it be your family, friends, teachers, or even a group of people going through the same thing. Find something that you're good at like art or a sport or whatever it is that you like to do, and just do it. Use it to vent your feelings. Seek out the help of a trusted adult. If they don't listen to you keep speaking until someone hears you. When someone hits you, turn the other cheek. Kill them with kindness. Don't show them fear. Be the better person. Don't ever stoop to their level because you are so much better than them. And one day you will shine like the sun. You will become the stronger person.

You are worth it. You are smart. You are beautiful. You are handsome. You are funny. You are brilliant. You are creative. You are whatever you think you are. You can do whatever you put your mind to. And believe me, It DOES get better


Today has offically been a lazy day. The hubby is on 24 hour duty driver duty and I won't be seeing him until 7am tomorrow morning. but at least he'll be off of work tomorrow. I'm just glad that this week will be over soon.

It's offcial. I am 3 days late on starting my period. Hopefully the clomid actually worked this time (because heaven knows I can't take it again) If not I have a dr's appt on Feb 2nd to discuss other options. (I'll probably end up taking a test end of this week beginning of next week if I don't start (so keep me in your prayers) I'm trying to hard not to get to excited. The last thing that I want to do is get my hopes up again. To top it all off we really really really need to go to the grocery store but can't because the hubby has the car :(

I really should be working on my book or cleaning house, but today I feel soooo unproductive and unmotivated. I really hope that you guys are having a better day than me.

Much love always. Stay strong <3

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Go outta your way

And thank a Vet. It's because of them that you have the freedom to speak your mind.

Just a thought

If your marriage is failing definately DON'T try to bring a baby into the picture. I promise you it WON'T make him stay. I've seen it happen to couples one to many times. The only person who ends up suffering because of it is the baby.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Why do rental trucks have to be so expensive? I have nooooooo idea what we are gonna do now. :/


It's weighing heavy on me that my husband will be deploying soon. I must say that I've never been so scared of anything in my entire life. Sure, we've survivied boot camp, combat training, MOS school (that took up the first six months of our marriage), and him going to Yuma. But deployment is something that's completely different. He'll be a world away, and it will feel like a part of me will be a world away too.

He's my best friend, my absolute everything. We have weathered so much in the short four years that we've been together. He is my rock, and sometimes it feels like he's the only thing that tethers me to this world. And, when you have that feeling with someone, you don't ever want to let go.

I know that I talk about our fertility issues alot, but I have my husband to thank for making everything possible. He has given me such a blessed life. Husband, I love you so very much. No words could ever describe how much you mean to me. You are so amazing! I love you to the moon and back.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Warning: This post is going to be a little venty. You don't like what I write, then don't read it.

I am so sick of this. Every day I wake up to find that another friend of mine is pregnant. It's so disheartening. My husband and I have been trying for four years. It kills my resolve to stay strong every time I find out that they're pregnant. It's not like I'm not happy for my friends because I am happy that they get what they want. I want to crawl back into bed and not get out until we have some good news. It makes me sad because I think about it and I'm always like that could have been me. Or when I go out and I see families with children I think that could be us right now had I not had the miscarrage. I'm just tired of hurting. We've pretty much tried everything with no luck, and at this point, I'd be willing to try just about anything.

end of venty vent.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

25 things

About me!

1. My name is Rebecca.
2. I am 20 years old. about to turn 21 on feb 20th.
3. Of course, I am married to my Marine.
4. I am artistic.
5. I LOVE to write. I'm an aspiring author.
6. I am from a town called Victoria, TX
7. I have two dogs. Sasha (3) Suka Sue (1) they are both female huskies. I absolutely love my dogs. They are pretty much my babies. I'd be so lost without them.
8. My favorite thing about myself are my eyes.
9. I love watching movies. Mostly romantic ones. I'm a romantic at heart.
10. Reading is another favorite past time. Nicholas Sparks is my all time favorite author. I could read his books hundreds of times over.
11. I have one sister (22) and one brother (11). I am the forgotten middle child.
12. I love watching my husband play video games (his favorite thing to do) but I absolutely HATE sports games and games based off of movies.
13. I hate real life drama, but I love watching drama filled television shows like teen mom.
14. I really don't like officer wives. Most of them act like they are so much better than you are.
15. my husband and I play a game. It's try to be the last person to bite the other's nose by the time we go to bed. My husband usually wins because he's a man and thus he's stronger than I am. Most of the time this game ends in a full blown wrestling match.
16. I really don't like driving, but I LOVE going places. the hubby says I'm an over cautious driver. But I think it's better to be safe than sorry.
17. I'm scared to death of snakes. In our old house, we use to get little tiny gardener snakes in the house no bigger than a worm, and I would scream bloody murder every time I seen one. and of course I would marry a man who loves snakes. Surprisingly, he's terrified of spider. He screams like a little girl every time he sees them, and spiders don't really bother me.
18. I hate folding clothes. I will do all the other housework without complaint, but I just let the clothes sit on my couch until the pile is huge and I don't have the choice but to fold them.
19. I am a housewife. BUT, I am also an aspiring author. I WILL be published one of these days.
20. I love the fact that my husband tells me he believes in me daily, and no words can describe how thankful I am that he supports my dreams.
21. I do have tattoos. 5 butterflies, one pink rose, and a hummingbird. Each thing represents someone. butterfly #1 at the bottom of my ankle with the pink rose represents the miscarrage that I had. The rose there because on the day I had the miscarrage my grandma brought me a bouguet of pink roses. It was the first time that anyone had ever gotten me roses. Then there's a butterfly for my sister, my brother, my husband, and my parents. The hummingbird is for my grandma because she loves hummingbirds. I ABSOLUTELY support people with tattoos. Just because you have a tattoo doesn't make you any less of a person.
22. I have PCOS
23. I have a strange obsession for stuffed Animals. (don't ask me I don't know.) I've always collected them and one day hope to be able to give them to my own child.
24. When I get bored, I start drawing hearts on my paper. (not really sure why. Just something I've always done.)
25. I love to listen to music while I clean house, and I like to sing too. BUT I'm not even gonna lie. I suck. I think I'm tone death but I'm not really sure.

okay, so here's 25 things about myself. Maybe I'll do more on another day! Hope you enjoyed!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I am strong because I am weak. I am beautiful because I know my flaws. I am a lover because I am a fighter. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I have been foolish, and I can laugh because I have known sadness.

To me, Strength isn't something that you're born with. It's something that builds up over time. It's the things that you go through that make you a strong person. I have been through a lot in my life. I have had many struggles. I have seen sadness. I have seen pain. I have had to fight. I have been afraid. But, I've also learned to be strong. I have my battles that I've over come, and I have battles that I'm still fighting. Just like you.

Being strong is something that's in your heart. It's always there. It's when you keep standing up every time you get knocked down. It's when you keep walking even when everyone else you know would have stopped by now. It's getting up out of bed every morning even though you'd rather stay hidden under the covers. It's praying despite all the odds and believing in your cause.

Strength is having an indominable will. It's not letting the storm destory you. It's learning to dance in the rain. It's believing that you CAN. because you are alot stronger than you give yourself credit for. I know I am alot stronger than what I give myself credit for.

And, I believe I will overcome my battles. Like Joel Olsteen says, "Be the Victor and not the Victim." Because you have the strength. You have overcame your battles. I AM strong. You ARE strong. Don't ever forget that.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

25 insecurities

I'm doing the 25 insecurity challange. Please keep in mind that this is hard for me to write.

1. I have Polyscystic Ovarian Syndrome. or PCOS for short
2. Because I have PCOS, I grow hair in places where a woman shouldn't have hair.
3. I feel inadequate because I have a fertility issue. My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for as long as we've been together.
4. I feel like less of a woman because my body can't do the normal things that a woman's body is supposed to do.
5. It kills me inside when I have to hear that ALL my friends are pregnant when that's the only thing that I've ever wanted out of life.
6. I feel self conscious. Sometimes it feels like people can see straight through me. I feel like they can see my flaws.
7. My teeth make me feel self conscious too. I haven't been to a dentist in a couple of years because I'm terrified.
8. I wish more than anything that I could give my husband a baby.
9. I've taken clomid (a fertility drug) and I feel like it tore me up. I feel it did more harm than good.
10. Most nights, I don't really sleep. It's hard to turn my brain off. I have to much going on. to much stress.
11. I wish that I was beautiful in my own eyes. (everyone else's doesn't really matter to me) I just want to see myself as beautiful.
12. Some days, it's hard for me to get out of bed. It's so hard for me to just make it through the day.
13. this whole ordeal with pcos and infertility has emotionally, physically, and mentally drained me. I get depressed, sad, mad, every emotion in the book I've felt towards it.
14. I know I SHOULD be happy every time I hear that another one of my friends is pregnant, but I'm not. I just can't make myself be happy.
15. It takes a tole on my marriage. It makes sex feel like more of a chore. The last time I felt like sex wasn't a chore was our wedding night.
16. I try to feel the void in my heart by loving on my dogs. Sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't.
17. two years ago, I did manage to get pregnant (yay!) it lasted 2 months. 2 weeks after I found out, I miscarried. Miscarrage rate is high for women with PCOS.
18. I carry around so much guilt because I miscarried. I know it wasn't my fault. There wasn't anything I could have done to stop it, but I just feel like it was my fault.
19. My husband NEVER talks about the miscarrage, and that bothers me. He once told me that if he thought about it he would start blaming people. He would start hating people. I know he would blame me. Sometimes I wish he would talk about it because then I would know I wasn't the only one hurting.
20. It's hard for me to stay positive. I REALLY wish that I was more positive, but getting knocked down so many times it's almost impossible. My husband always says we will have a child, but it's really hard for me to believe that because it's hard for me to stay positive. Especially after all the painful tests and meds that pretty much kill me.
21. I avoid baby isles, pregnancy test isles and anything kid related like it's the plague.
22. I'm terrified to think of the future and not see any children. I know there's adoption and surrogates, but none of that really appeals to me. I want a child that came from MY body. If that makes me sound selfish I can't really help it.
23. In my heart, I know I didn't do anything to deserve this, but in my mind I feel like it's all my fault.
24. Some times I wish my husband had married someone else because then he could have a child which I can see in his eyes. He wants a child as much as I do. It kills me inside to see him hurting too. (but I know he loves me very much and would never leave even if we never have children)
25. I hate when I hear people tell me that "it's going to be okay" or "I know what you're going through." because unless you're going through the exact same time that I am you have NO IDEA how it feels or what it's like.

okay, I told you my 25 insecurities. now it's your turn wiether you do a video or you write them down like I did. Don't be afraid. If I can do it so can you

Monday, January 16, 2012

I Have A Dream

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.
“Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better.”
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood.”
“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality… I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”
“I want to be the white man’s brother, not his brother-in-law.”
“If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.”
“It is incontestable and deplorable that Negroes have committed crimes; but they are derivative crimes. They are born of the greater crimes of the white society.”
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
The good neighbor looks beyond the external accidents and discerns those inner qualities that make all men human and, therefore, brothers.
“Now, I say to you today my friends, even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: – ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”
“People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; they don’t know each other because they have not communicated with each other.”
“We must rapidly begin the shift from a ‘thing-oriented’ society to a ‘person-oriented’ society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered.”
“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”
“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers.”
“It really boils down to this: that all life is interrelated. We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tired into a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one destiny, affects all indirectly.”
“If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.”
“We are not makers of history. We are made by history.”
“In some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty.”
“When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact…that modern man suffers from a kind of poverty of the spirit, which stands in glaring contrast to his scientific and technological abundance; We’ve learned to fly the air like birds, we’ve learned to swim the seas like fish, and yet we haven’t learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters…”
“I look forward confidently to the day when all who work for a living will be one with no thought to their separateness as Negroes, Jews, Italians or any other distinctions. This will be the day when we bring into full realization the American dream — a dream yet unfulfilled.”

Take a little bit of time today to just sit and be thankful for all the things in your life because of people like Martin Luther King Jr our lives are the way they are now. Thank you

Kids, don't grow up so fast

I graduated high school in 2010 and shortly after I graduated I move all the way to North Carolina so I could live with my husband (yes, I was still in High School when I got married.) who is a Marine. Looking back on my high school years, the only thing I really wanted was to leave home. (like a lot of people my age)

I'd say that I took for granted living with my parents. I had a pretty good home life (except for that teenage rebellion stage that I went through) I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and a mother who would have done anything for me and my siblings.  I never really looked at it that way. I only ever looked at it as having an overbearing mother and I just couldn't wait to spread my own wings and fly.

Well, now that I'm living out on my own without help from my mother (I don't even live anywhere near my home now) I've come to appreciate my parents ALOT more. I've seen their struggles because I'm going through them now myself.

I wrote this blog today because I was thinking about life, teenagers, and just how quickly they all want to grow up. This is coming from someone who's been there. If I could go back, there's so much different that I would do. I would tell my mom thank you a little more. I wouldn't have been so rebellious. I wouldn't have been so disrespectful. I would have enjoyed my years of living at home a little more. I wouldn't have tried to grow up so fast. (I wouldn't give my husband up for anything though) So take the time today to tell your parents that you love them and appreciate everything that they did for you.

Kids, Don't grow up so fast.

Living on my own has opened my eyes so that I could see. Thank you Mom for everything you did for me!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thinking about love

This is to all the teenaged girls out there looking for love. When I was in High school, I wanted nothing more than to fall in love. I wanted that fairy tale ending that most girls dream of. I had all this love in my body to give, and I desperately wanted someone to return that love to me.

So I dated a couple of guys, all of which turned out to be jerks or just not the right one for me. I would put my all into the relationships only to get nothing in return. And in the end, I was the only one who ended up hurt. I made mistakes, I did things that I regret. I did things that I wished I could take back.

Well, one day someone close to me told me something. They told me to stop looking. Because when you stop looking, that's when love will come to you. It took me awhile for that advice to actually sink in. After my last breakup, I finally decided to listen. I completely stopped looking.

I was a sophmore in High school. I was just concentrating on school and work. Just making it through the day. Well, I met the guy who is now my husband. I thought he interesting and for the rest of my sophmore year we just talked. He had helped me get through one of my breakups that had been really hard on me, and I helped him get over one of his breakups.

Then, on the last day of school he hugged me, and by the way he hugged me I just knew that he was the guy that I wanted to date. I didn't see him at all through the summer, but I couldn't get him out of my mind.

The first or second day of my junior year, his senior year, we happened to run into each other at the most completely random time. We got to talking like we use to do in class, and then before he left he hugged me. And by the way that he held me in my arms I could just tell. He help me like letting me go would be the end of the world. He held me tightly like I was important. Four years later we are still together. We dated two years and now we've been married for two.

The moral of this story is that once you stop looking, preoccupy your mind with other things, that's when true love actually finds its way to you. Just don't EVER give up and don't lost faith because it will come to you in the form that you need it the most. It did for me and it will for you

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teen Mom

I am an avid Teen Mom fan, but what I don't get is how Teen Mom is supposed to depict Teen mothers struggling. No one on that show is actually struggling. And yes, I know that supposedly the teen pregnancy rate has actually dropped in the us since the show aired, but I really kind of feel like the show glamorizes teen pregnancy. (I don't have any problem with teens getting pregnant. If you do get pregnant as a teen that's your choice, not mine) But I really think that if you want to make a bigger impact on teens then actually show Teen Moms who are actually struggling. Just my thought on the subject. What is your thoughts on this subject?

A military wife

A Military Wife has so much to bear, She's everything at once, no one could compare, When God made her, he had perfection in mind, For nowhere on Earth is another of her kind. She leads a life not many would choose, For her job is the hardest in the military to do, She is courageous and strong, one would say made of steel, But way deep down is a heart that can feel. She stands by her husband, so proud and so tall, And waits many night by the phone for a call, She's Mommy and Daddy all rolled into one, She'll never rest easy until her job's done. She sits all alone and in silence she cries, Did I do a good job, is my family alright? But deep in her heart she knows that it's true, God is right beside her helping her through.

My seventh confession

Don't wear your husband's rank. I can't stand wives who wear their husband's rank. The way I see it is you AREN'T the one who earned it. You AREN'T the one who went through the training. You AREN'T the one who deployed. You AREN'T the one in the military so don't do it because you just make yourself look stupid to everyone else. you are NOT better than any other marine wife out there or military wife out there. It's you personality and attitude that makes you who you are, NOT your husband's rank.

End Rant

Five movie facts about beauty and the beast!


1.) At the 1992 Oscars, "Beauty and the Beast" became the first animated feature to get a best picture nom. Alas, the Academy went with a picture with a decidedly scarier beast: "Silence of the Lambs." However, the Beaut did take home some hardware that evening, as Alan Menken won for best original score. Menken also shared the best original song Oscar with his lyricist, Howard Ashman, for the song "Beauty and the Beast." Unfortunately, Ashman died of complications from AIDS, and his award was presented posthumously.

Ashman and Menken were longtime collaborators, originally getting together to pen the off-Broadway classic "Little Shop of Horrors." "Beauty and the Beast" was the duo's second best song Oscar. They won in 1989 for the song "Under the Sea," which is featured in another Disney classic slated for 3D re-release, "The Little Mermaid."

2.) While 3D enhancement creates an entirely updated look, with its own revolutionary technological aspects, the original animation for "Beauty and the Beast" was also quite groundbreaking. This was only Disney's second film to employ its in-house Computer Animation Production System (CAPS), which, among other highly advanced concepts, went beyond normal animation to allow for the use of CGI. The technology was developed with help from Pixar, and it wouldn't be the last time the two companies worked together.

Perhaps nowhere is the technology of CAPS more prominent than in the ballroom-dance sequence, where Belle and the Beast waltz their fannies off. The camera appears to be moving around them as a computer-generated background bursts to life behind them. According to CGI artistic supervisor Jim Hillin, "The ballroom sequence features the first computer-generated color background to be both animated and fully dimensional."

3.) Supervising animator Glen Keane, who was charged with designing and drawing the Beast, spent a lot of time at the zoo figuring out how to best bring the character to life. Ultimately, the Beast became a hodgepodge of physical characteristics from many animals, including the mane of a lion, the horns and head of a buffalo, the eyebrows of a gorilla, the tusks of a wild boar, the upper body of a bear, and the legs and tail of a wolf. Oh, my! There's also one physical attribute you don't see: the posterior of a mandrill. According to Keane, "Beast actually has a rainbow bum, but nobody knows that but Belle."

To further add to the Beast's savage ways, Robby Benson's voice was enhanced by the growls of actual lions and panthers. Yet in order for Belle to fall for the Beast, his human side had to be readily apparent. Because of this, animators made sure to keep the Beast's eyes deep blue and full of soul.

4.) It turns out that the third time was the charm for this charming tale. That's how many efforts it took for Disney to get the production off the ground. Walt Disney first tried to develop the story in the '30s, hoping to build upon the success of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." However, Walt was uninspired by the treatment which his development team had come up with. The second attempt came in the 50's, with the same result. Even the third attempt is more like the third-and-a-half attempt, as the original director, Richard Purdum, had to be replaced after his darker, nonmusical version failed to impress Disney chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg. Only after Purdum's departure did the actual parts fall into place.

5.) CEO Michael Eisner made sure that "Beauty and the Beast" was the first animated Disney film to use a fully developed script before the animation process. Before, Disney had primarily used storyboards to flush out a script, with further development occurring during the animation process. Using a fully developed script allowed Disney to save time and money, because there weren't any superfluous animations created.

Linda Woolverton got the screenwriting job, even though her previous experience had been in prose, stage and television, including writing some scripts for Disney's "Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers." She would go on to receive screenwriting credits for "The Lion King" and "Alice in Wonderland."

If you're like me, you'll find these facts pretty interesting. I pretty much grew up on the disney princess movies, and beauty and the beast happened to be my all time favorite.

Friday, January 13, 2012

I just had to post this

Someone posted this on facebook and it's so true lol! I thought it was adorible. Gave me a good laugh for the night! I can go to sleep happy now :)

My sixth confession

Being married to someone in the military is one of the hardest things that I'll ever have to go through, but it was my choice, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I have the greatest husband that any woman could ever have.

I also love the Military lifestyle, but I could NEVER join myself. Reason being is because I couldn't be seperated from my husband for that long. I can deal with all the times that he has to go away. Deployments, ect, but I'm just not strong enough to be seperated from him for such long periods of time because I HAVE to go myself. I give my props to all the people out there who are dual military families. They are the ones who have the real strength. <3


Ultrasound techs aren't "legally" allowed to tell you anything???? That's really kind of annoying because I don't want to have to sweat until the doctor tells me if anything's wrong. That means I'll have the WHOLE weekend to wonder what the tech seen. How unfair is that? I know I'm probably not pregnant. (The whole reason I had the ultrasound was to make sure the clomid that I'm taking isn't causing me to get cycsts that will need to be removed) So now I'm left to wonder. AND I hate that "not knowing" feeling.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

One of those days

Today has been one of those days where I just want to collapse into bed and not wake up until this month is over. I am BEYOND tired.

My Marine wife confession for the day is: I HATE MILITARY DOCTORS. I hate the way they treat me. My fertility doctor is the WORSE. I can never get a hold of him when I need him. I don't feel comfortable talking to him because he only ever talks to me over the phone, and when I do talk to him on the phone I never have enough time to tell him everything that's wrong. His phone calls only last like 2 minutes. He really just acts like he doesn't care. Like I'm just another person. It's because they get paid weither you're there or not. They don't make me feel like I'm a person. just another appointment. Doctors are supposed to make you feel comfortable and make you feel like you're a human being. They should make you feel important.GOSH I'M STILL FUMMING FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy these cute pictures

While I go crash out somewhere

 Best part of waking up is Kittens in a cup!!


Have you ever had one of those nights when you just couldn't sleep no matter how hard you tried? Last night was definately one of those nights for me. We need to buy a new mattress. our's is almost as old as I am :/ That's pretty sad, but at least it had a good run. :) Too bad we have to wait until the hubby gets back from deployment. There's really no point in getting one now considering that I'm moving home next month. :(

I am wiped out, and it doesn't look like I'm gonna get to get any rest today. There's a lot on my plate AND I'm still waiting for Maintenance to come fix the dog room door so I put the dogs up. I really just want this week to be over with. The sooner it ends, the better. I would like nothing more than to crawl back into bed and sleep the rest of the week away.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You are

You are beautiful. You are smart. You are funny. You are imaginative. You are handsome. You are fun. You are sensative. You are strong. You are brave. You are honorable. You can reach your goals. You can be what ever it is you want to be. You can do what ever it is you want to do. There is a happy ending for you. There are people who love you. There are people who need you. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. You can do it. You are who you are meant to be. You can reach the stars if you just don't give up. You are WORTH it. You can do anything that you set your mind to. You might even change the world. <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My thoughts on this...

So like most of you out there, I am a HUGE fan of teen mom, teen mom 2, and 16 and pregnant, and since tonight is the new episode of teen mom 2 I thought I'd make my post about it. Well mostly about this.

My thoughts after watching this clip is this: If you are old enough to have sex , then you are old enough to be able to take care of a baby especially if you want one. I understand why Chelsea was disappointed in her friend, but I feel that she should have been a little more supportive. It was her friend's choice, and she'll have to live with the consequences of her choice. It doesn't directly affect Chelsea. Besides, her friend was there through out her entire pregnancy. I just hope that she's there for her friend's pregnancy too.

Any way, I feel like there's so many people out there that get pregnant and don't want their child. If you know you're not ready for sex then you should either protect yourself or just not have sex at all. There are so many girls out there afraid to go to their moms and ask for help. Ya'll gotta know that your moms won't judge you, and your mom isn't your enemy. They'd probably look at you more like a grown up because deciding not to have a child as a teenager and protecting yourself from that happening.

When we have children I'm going to make sure we always have condoms in the house AND if we have a girl I'm going to make sure she gets birth control because let's face it teenagers have sex. It just happens, and there's really nothing that you can do about it. I had sex as a teen, and you probably did too. It's just a part of life. It's a part of growing up. All I'm saying is if you don't want a baby at a young age protect yourself, and if you do want a child at a young age make sure you have the funds to take care of it.

I also want to commend all the Teen Moms out there who do such an amazing job raising their babies because let's face it raising a child isn't easy no matter what age you are, and starting at a young age you have more hardships to over come!!! More power to you. Keep up the good work!!!

You know you're a military wife when...

-Someone asks when your husband will be home, you say July or August instead of 5 or 6pm
-You live on your own and by yourself more after you're married than before you were married.
-Most of the married women you know or meet are under 21, and most have kids.
... -You know all of your husband's coworkers by their last name, and rarely know their first n...ame.
-You say "I'm going to the commissary" instead of "grocery store".
-You need your I.D to buy groceries
-You are called "Ma'am" at the age of 18 by every MP that comes into contact with you.
-You've never given a haircut in your life but you've perfected the medium fade, 6-8, skin.
-You really want something but you say "damn, well I'm going to have to wait for the 1st or 15th for it
-You ask someone "what's your rank?" instead of "what's your job?!"
-Half of your wardrobe has some kind of Military insignia on it and once belonged to your husband.
-The sounds of helicopters, and Jets flying over your house shaking your windows, surprisingly soothes you!
-Your husband's work and dress clothes cost more than yours do. -
You only write in pencil because EVERYTHING is subject to change.
-You know that a 2 month separation IS short, no matter what your civilian friends say.
-You know better than to go to the NEX or commissary between 11:30 and 1:30 unless it's a life or death emergency.
-You know that any reference to "sand box" describes a deployment to Afghanistan, not your kid's backyard toys.
-You don't have to think about what time 21:30 is.
-You pick apart uniforms on TV and in the movies for being inaccurate with your husband.
-You are asked to stop talking in acronyms and translate it all to English.
-You end up being a single parent for 7 months out of the year


What kind of books do you guys like to read? I like to read fiction. Romantic fiction. Fantasy fiction. I really like to watch a movie and then if it was written from a book I love to go read the book. I'm currently reading The Help after watching the movie. I'm also working on finishing book four of the twilight series Breaking dawn. I started reading it after I watched Breaking Dawn part one. I want to finish it before the last movie comes out. The last book I'm working on reading is The Hunger Games. I'm really hoping that I finish the book before the movie comes out. Kinda got a lot on my plate right now so I'm not really sure if I'll get it done.

just another little food for thought question. What do you prefer the nook or the kindle? I have a kindle that I got for christmas. I have to say that I am happy I didn't get the nook. :)

very much love guys!!!

New Teen Mom 2 tonight!!!

Who's excited!!! I am!!!

Monday, January 9, 2012

See. Animals are worth saving

Let's say no to animal cruelty! Even you can make a difference

My fifth confession

Since my husband joined the military, it's been pretty amazing that things that I learned how to do. I guess I never really knew I had strength like that until I was forced to use it. You can do ANYTHING if you set your mind to it.

Thought of the day


Don't forget. It does get better

Honestly, My years in school (elementary through middle school) were not the best. Especially in Elementary. I was labeled "the weird kid" because I was different from everyone else. I never really thought that I was different though. It was simply that I had different interests than everyone else. While they were into clothes and who liked who I was into reading and writing. I remember a specific instance when I was in the fourth grade. There was this little girl who I considered my friend. We use to hang out and what not. I guess you could even say that she was my best friend. Well anyway, one day this new girl joined the class. She was pretty mean. She wasn't really the kind of girl you want to be friends with. She told the girl to tell me that she didn't want to be my friend any more. After that, no one wanted to be my friend because they were afraid that they wouldn't be considered "one of the cool kids." It was like I was infected or something. No one even wanted to sit next to me at lunch. Up until that point I had never really let any of the bullying get to me. I just remember crying my eyes out on the way home. I hurt so bad because of it. Getting up in the morning was like a chore to me. There were times when I would have rather just been dead. I remember another time. I use to take books to school and I would leave them in my desk. When I'd get to school the next morning, they would have really mean, nasty things written in them about me. I know I was young, but these were really dark times in my life. And I was scared to say anything. I was afraid that it would only make the bullying worse. No one really ever knows how tramatizing it is to be picked on as a little kid unless you've gone through it yourself.  And of course, everyone knows how middle schoolers are. They aren't any better than the kids in elementary school especially if they are the same group of kids that you were with in elementary. They think they know everything, and they think that they are way better than those strange little weird kids. I was just happy to be invisible then. Those three years of my life I was just content to hole myself up inside the contents of a book or immerse myself in my writing. If I hadn't been able to write, honestly, I don't know how I would have survived. I thank God every day that I had an outlet. The reason why I am writing this post right now is because I hoping that I might be able to reach someone, anyone, who is dealing with bullying. You are not alone. I was lucky. For me, the bullying stopped after middle school. Not everyone is as lucky as I was unfortunately. Reach out for help, because there are people who want to help you. Find an outlet. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid to be you. And believe me IT DOES GET BETTER! Never forget that!!!

Got the rainy day blues?

Our current duty station is in North Carolina where the weather is CRAZY. One day it's bright and sunny and the next it's pouring. Then, it's dark and dreary. Next it doesn't rain for a couple of weeks, and then it rains for a whole week straight. Well, today happens to be one of those stay at home and do nothing because it's nasty outside kind of days. I thought I would write a blog with some fun things that you can do.

1. curl up on the sofa with the love of your life and watch a movie. (My favorite rainy day movie is The Notebook.
2.  Read a good book. (I'm currently reading the help by Kathryn Stockett. It's a really good book. You should read it.)
3. Bake something yummy. (I baked the hubby some brownies today.
4. Clean. (I know it's not really fun, but it's productive.)
5. Start your own blog.
6. (For those with kids) there's lots of fun activities you can do with them. Google fun things to do on a rainy day.
7. Sleep. (yes, I think sleeping on a rainy day is a good fun thing.)
8. If your artsy like I am, start an art project.
9. Write it out. Keep a journal/ write a story/write a book.
10. If you're brave enough to leave the house, go to the movies or mall. (back home in texas when it rained everyone would go to the mall.
11. Play a board game with your spouse and/or children. (Monopoly time!!!)
12. watch your favorite t.v show. (teen mom, 16 & pregnant, True Blood, The Vampire diaries, Desperate housewives, and Gray's anatomy are shows I like to watch)
13. Cook a romantic dinner for you and the hubby. Put the kiddos to bed early and have a date night. :)
14. For those of you who don't like sitting around, get up and do some yoga or any other form of exercise that yo perfer.
15. Just relax and take the day off :)

There's so many different things that you can do on a nasty, icky, stay at home kind of day. These were just a couple of the things that you can do. I hope this helps get you out of your rainy day rut. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

My life

I figure it's time I tell you a little about myself. I come from Victoria, Texas, and up until the time that I moved to live at my husband's duty station in Havelock, North Carolina I had never been outside of Texas for longer than a week. I moved to Havelock in July of 2010 right after I graduated High School and my husband graduated from his MOS school. I was very excited to move away from home because that had been the one thing I had wanted so much out of life. Because, most of my life I had just kind of felt trapped in my old home. Moving would give me the freedom that I had always had a yearning for. Almost two years later though, I see how stupid I had been. I can say now that I came from a good family. (Though like everyone else we have our ups and downs). We have two dogs. They are huskies. Both are female. One is named Sasha, and she's three. The other is Suka Sue, and she will be turning on this month. I am only 20 years old. I turn 21 in feb. We have been trying to have a baby for over two years now. When I was a senior in High School, I got pregnant. I found out a month after my husband left for bootcamp that I was two months pregnant. Two weeks later, I miscarried. It was the hardest most painful thing that I've ever had to go through especially because my husband (just fiance at the time) wasn't there with me. Then, earlier this year I was diagnoised with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS for short. It's a fertility issue that makes it very hard to conceieve, and I have been undergoing fertility treatments for the past couple of months. If we ever have a child, I don't know. I'll just keep my fingers crossed. We are hoping that it happens before my husband deploys, but it's not looking like that's going to happen. I'm moving home to be with my family in feb because shortly after my husband will be deploying. It will be our first deployment to go through. minus all the time that he's had to go to training. And honestly, I've never been so scared in all of my life. But, like all the other times we've been apart, I will HAVE to be strong and get over it because when you are a military wife there's a lot of things that you just HAVE to deal with. Deployment being one of them. For all the ladies out there who are military wives, I know what ya'll are going through because I'm going through it too. I always have a shoulder and an ear if you ever need to talk.

To be continued. <3

Thought of the day


Us humans need to do a little more to put a stop to animal cruelty. It is a growing problem in today's society. Animals have feelings too. Let's pull together to put a stop to animal cruelty. Raise you're hand if you are with me!!!

My fourth confession

I know I should probably keep up with politics since my husband is in the military (I try to avoid politics as much as possible), but I am just so sick of people asking me every time they hear "the war is over." they all assume that just because one war is over that all our men are going to be coming home or not going to deploy. WRONG. Just because they say one war is over doesn't mean that they are all over. Besides, they bring some men home only to replace them by sending more, and the ones that they do bring home usually end up being sent somewhere else. And, unfortunately there will always be deployments. That's just how it goes in the military. And, honestly I don't think that we will ever have all of our men home.

End Rant

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I don't know about you

But I really can't stand the smell of alcohol. I really don't know how anyone drinks it. Yuck..

Thought of the day


I hate roaches. Both the bug kind and the people kind too. Uggh

My third confession

I think it's rediculous how people are payed millions to play games, but military men are hardly paid anything to give up their lives for their country. They really need to raise Military's pay.

Thought of the day

#3 You is kind, you is good, you is special. Never forget that :)

Thought of the day


I really wish my house would just pack itself. I'm reallllllly not looking forward to having to pack everything, but I guess it's just a part of moving. :/

My second confession

The relationship that I have with the Marine Corps is a love hate kinda thing. I love it because of all the benefits, because I get to travel and live places that I ordinarily would never have been able to go on my own, because we live in a safe neighborhood, and because my hubby usually gets home pretty early. I hate it because of the deployments (literally the  first 6 months of our marriage we weren't together because of his schooling and training), how strict the rules are that he has to follow, and If they say jump he has to say how high. I especially hate how demeaning some of his fellow marines can be. Instead of building their men up, oftentimes they tear them down. It breaks my heart to see my husband come home mad because of things that people say.
End vent...maybe more later :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thought of the day

#1: If you have not read The Help yet you really should, or watch the movie. The movie's really good too, but not as good as the book. Then again, what movie is ever as good as the book? There's so much that happens in the book that doesn't happen in the movies.<3 check it out if you get the chance

My first confession

My first confession being a Marine Wife...

I HATE when my husband wastes the whole day/the whole weekend playing video games. I know that, like my own husband, there are hundreds of other Marines (and other military husbands) that are consumed by video games.

And, I (who will occasionally play a game myself) don't actually mind the fact that he plays. It's just the amount of time that he puts into the games that are troubling. I mean I have a hard time even getting him to go on a walk with me.

I completely understand that every marine/all men in general have their bad days. (wives have bad days too) I just want mine to get off his games and come spend a little extra time with me. But if he doesn't, Oh well. I'll be content with just sitting by him on the sofa. Our time is limited being that soon I will be moving home, and he will be deploying. I'll take what I can get.

End Rant!



My name is Rebecca. I am a Marine wife going on two years now. I married my high school sweetheart on December 27th 2009. I am 20 years old about to turn 21 next month. I wanted to start a blog for us Marine wives to vent and get advice from. I may be young, but I've been through alot including fertility problems and all the things that every other military wife has been through. We don't have children, but we have two beautiful furbabies. I'm usually always avaliable for military wives who need support. And, that's about all for now. :)