Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thinking about love

This is to all the teenaged girls out there looking for love. When I was in High school, I wanted nothing more than to fall in love. I wanted that fairy tale ending that most girls dream of. I had all this love in my body to give, and I desperately wanted someone to return that love to me.

So I dated a couple of guys, all of which turned out to be jerks or just not the right one for me. I would put my all into the relationships only to get nothing in return. And in the end, I was the only one who ended up hurt. I made mistakes, I did things that I regret. I did things that I wished I could take back.

Well, one day someone close to me told me something. They told me to stop looking. Because when you stop looking, that's when love will come to you. It took me awhile for that advice to actually sink in. After my last breakup, I finally decided to listen. I completely stopped looking.

I was a sophmore in High school. I was just concentrating on school and work. Just making it through the day. Well, I met the guy who is now my husband. I thought he interesting and for the rest of my sophmore year we just talked. He had helped me get through one of my breakups that had been really hard on me, and I helped him get over one of his breakups.

Then, on the last day of school he hugged me, and by the way he hugged me I just knew that he was the guy that I wanted to date. I didn't see him at all through the summer, but I couldn't get him out of my mind.

The first or second day of my junior year, his senior year, we happened to run into each other at the most completely random time. We got to talking like we use to do in class, and then before he left he hugged me. And by the way that he held me in my arms I could just tell. He help me like letting me go would be the end of the world. He held me tightly like I was important. Four years later we are still together. We dated two years and now we've been married for two.

The moral of this story is that once you stop looking, preoccupy your mind with other things, that's when true love actually finds its way to you. Just don't EVER give up and don't lost faith because it will come to you in the form that you need it the most. It did for me and it will for you

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