Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My thoughts on this...

So like most of you out there, I am a HUGE fan of teen mom, teen mom 2, and 16 and pregnant, and since tonight is the new episode of teen mom 2 I thought I'd make my post about it. Well mostly about this.


My thoughts after watching this clip is this: If you are old enough to have sex , then you are old enough to be able to take care of a baby especially if you want one. I understand why Chelsea was disappointed in her friend, but I feel that she should have been a little more supportive. It was her friend's choice, and she'll have to live with the consequences of her choice. It doesn't directly affect Chelsea. Besides, her friend was there through out her entire pregnancy. I just hope that she's there for her friend's pregnancy too.

Any way, I feel like there's so many people out there that get pregnant and don't want their child. If you know you're not ready for sex then you should either protect yourself or just not have sex at all. There are so many girls out there afraid to go to their moms and ask for help. Ya'll gotta know that your moms won't judge you, and your mom isn't your enemy. They'd probably look at you more like a grown up because deciding not to have a child as a teenager and protecting yourself from that happening.

When we have children I'm going to make sure we always have condoms in the house AND if we have a girl I'm going to make sure she gets birth control because let's face it teenagers have sex. It just happens, and there's really nothing that you can do about it. I had sex as a teen, and you probably did too. It's just a part of life. It's a part of growing up. All I'm saying is if you don't want a baby at a young age protect yourself, and if you do want a child at a young age make sure you have the funds to take care of it.

I also want to commend all the Teen Moms out there who do such an amazing job raising their babies because let's face it raising a child isn't easy no matter what age you are, and starting at a young age you have more hardships to over come!!! More power to you. Keep up the good work!!!

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