Monday, January 9, 2012

Got the rainy day blues?

Our current duty station is in North Carolina where the weather is CRAZY. One day it's bright and sunny and the next it's pouring. Then, it's dark and dreary. Next it doesn't rain for a couple of weeks, and then it rains for a whole week straight. Well, today happens to be one of those stay at home and do nothing because it's nasty outside kind of days. I thought I would write a blog with some fun things that you can do.

1. curl up on the sofa with the love of your life and watch a movie. (My favorite rainy day movie is The Notebook.
2.  Read a good book. (I'm currently reading the help by Kathryn Stockett. It's a really good book. You should read it.)
3. Bake something yummy. (I baked the hubby some brownies today.
4. Clean. (I know it's not really fun, but it's productive.)
5. Start your own blog.
6. (For those with kids) there's lots of fun activities you can do with them. Google fun things to do on a rainy day.
7. Sleep. (yes, I think sleeping on a rainy day is a good fun thing.)
8. If your artsy like I am, start an art project.
9. Write it out. Keep a journal/ write a story/write a book.
10. If you're brave enough to leave the house, go to the movies or mall. (back home in texas when it rained everyone would go to the mall.
11. Play a board game with your spouse and/or children. (Monopoly time!!!)
12. watch your favorite t.v show. (teen mom, 16 & pregnant, True Blood, The Vampire diaries, Desperate housewives, and Gray's anatomy are shows I like to watch)
13. Cook a romantic dinner for you and the hubby. Put the kiddos to bed early and have a date night. :)
14. For those of you who don't like sitting around, get up and do some yoga or any other form of exercise that yo perfer.
15. Just relax and take the day off :)

There's so many different things that you can do on a nasty, icky, stay at home kind of day. These were just a couple of the things that you can do. I hope this helps get you out of your rainy day rut. :)

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