Monday, January 9, 2012

Don't forget. It does get better

Honestly, My years in school (elementary through middle school) were not the best. Especially in Elementary. I was labeled "the weird kid" because I was different from everyone else. I never really thought that I was different though. It was simply that I had different interests than everyone else. While they were into clothes and who liked who I was into reading and writing. I remember a specific instance when I was in the fourth grade. There was this little girl who I considered my friend. We use to hang out and what not. I guess you could even say that she was my best friend. Well anyway, one day this new girl joined the class. She was pretty mean. She wasn't really the kind of girl you want to be friends with. She told the girl to tell me that she didn't want to be my friend any more. After that, no one wanted to be my friend because they were afraid that they wouldn't be considered "one of the cool kids." It was like I was infected or something. No one even wanted to sit next to me at lunch. Up until that point I had never really let any of the bullying get to me. I just remember crying my eyes out on the way home. I hurt so bad because of it. Getting up in the morning was like a chore to me. There were times when I would have rather just been dead. I remember another time. I use to take books to school and I would leave them in my desk. When I'd get to school the next morning, they would have really mean, nasty things written in them about me. I know I was young, but these were really dark times in my life. And I was scared to say anything. I was afraid that it would only make the bullying worse. No one really ever knows how tramatizing it is to be picked on as a little kid unless you've gone through it yourself.  And of course, everyone knows how middle schoolers are. They aren't any better than the kids in elementary school especially if they are the same group of kids that you were with in elementary. They think they know everything, and they think that they are way better than those strange little weird kids. I was just happy to be invisible then. Those three years of my life I was just content to hole myself up inside the contents of a book or immerse myself in my writing. If I hadn't been able to write, honestly, I don't know how I would have survived. I thank God every day that I had an outlet. The reason why I am writing this post right now is because I hoping that I might be able to reach someone, anyone, who is dealing with bullying. You are not alone. I was lucky. For me, the bullying stopped after middle school. Not everyone is as lucky as I was unfortunately. Reach out for help, because there are people who want to help you. Find an outlet. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid to be you. And believe me IT DOES GET BETTER! Never forget that!!!

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