Thursday, January 19, 2012

25 things

About me!

1. My name is Rebecca.
2. I am 20 years old. about to turn 21 on feb 20th.
3. Of course, I am married to my Marine.
4. I am artistic.
5. I LOVE to write. I'm an aspiring author.
6. I am from a town called Victoria, TX
7. I have two dogs. Sasha (3) Suka Sue (1) they are both female huskies. I absolutely love my dogs. They are pretty much my babies. I'd be so lost without them.
8. My favorite thing about myself are my eyes.
9. I love watching movies. Mostly romantic ones. I'm a romantic at heart.
10. Reading is another favorite past time. Nicholas Sparks is my all time favorite author. I could read his books hundreds of times over.
11. I have one sister (22) and one brother (11). I am the forgotten middle child.
12. I love watching my husband play video games (his favorite thing to do) but I absolutely HATE sports games and games based off of movies.
13. I hate real life drama, but I love watching drama filled television shows like teen mom.
14. I really don't like officer wives. Most of them act like they are so much better than you are.
15. my husband and I play a game. It's try to be the last person to bite the other's nose by the time we go to bed. My husband usually wins because he's a man and thus he's stronger than I am. Most of the time this game ends in a full blown wrestling match.
16. I really don't like driving, but I LOVE going places. the hubby says I'm an over cautious driver. But I think it's better to be safe than sorry.
17. I'm scared to death of snakes. In our old house, we use to get little tiny gardener snakes in the house no bigger than a worm, and I would scream bloody murder every time I seen one. and of course I would marry a man who loves snakes. Surprisingly, he's terrified of spider. He screams like a little girl every time he sees them, and spiders don't really bother me.
18. I hate folding clothes. I will do all the other housework without complaint, but I just let the clothes sit on my couch until the pile is huge and I don't have the choice but to fold them.
19. I am a housewife. BUT, I am also an aspiring author. I WILL be published one of these days.
20. I love the fact that my husband tells me he believes in me daily, and no words can describe how thankful I am that he supports my dreams.
21. I do have tattoos. 5 butterflies, one pink rose, and a hummingbird. Each thing represents someone. butterfly #1 at the bottom of my ankle with the pink rose represents the miscarrage that I had. The rose there because on the day I had the miscarrage my grandma brought me a bouguet of pink roses. It was the first time that anyone had ever gotten me roses. Then there's a butterfly for my sister, my brother, my husband, and my parents. The hummingbird is for my grandma because she loves hummingbirds. I ABSOLUTELY support people with tattoos. Just because you have a tattoo doesn't make you any less of a person.
22. I have PCOS
23. I have a strange obsession for stuffed Animals. (don't ask me I don't know.) I've always collected them and one day hope to be able to give them to my own child.
24. When I get bored, I start drawing hearts on my paper. (not really sure why. Just something I've always done.)
25. I love to listen to music while I clean house, and I like to sing too. BUT I'm not even gonna lie. I suck. I think I'm tone death but I'm not really sure.

okay, so here's 25 things about myself. Maybe I'll do more on another day! Hope you enjoyed!

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