Monday, January 16, 2012

Kids, don't grow up so fast

I graduated high school in 2010 and shortly after I graduated I move all the way to North Carolina so I could live with my husband (yes, I was still in High School when I got married.) who is a Marine. Looking back on my high school years, the only thing I really wanted was to leave home. (like a lot of people my age)

I'd say that I took for granted living with my parents. I had a pretty good home life (except for that teenage rebellion stage that I went through) I had a roof over my head, food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and a mother who would have done anything for me and my siblings.  I never really looked at it that way. I only ever looked at it as having an overbearing mother and I just couldn't wait to spread my own wings and fly.

Well, now that I'm living out on my own without help from my mother (I don't even live anywhere near my home now) I've come to appreciate my parents ALOT more. I've seen their struggles because I'm going through them now myself.

I wrote this blog today because I was thinking about life, teenagers, and just how quickly they all want to grow up. This is coming from someone who's been there. If I could go back, there's so much different that I would do. I would tell my mom thank you a little more. I wouldn't have been so rebellious. I wouldn't have been so disrespectful. I would have enjoyed my years of living at home a little more. I wouldn't have tried to grow up so fast. (I wouldn't give my husband up for anything though) So take the time today to tell your parents that you love them and appreciate everything that they did for you.

Kids, Don't grow up so fast.

Living on my own has opened my eyes so that I could see. Thank you Mom for everything you did for me!

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