Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today has offically been a lazy day. The hubby is on 24 hour duty driver duty and I won't be seeing him until 7am tomorrow morning. but at least he'll be off of work tomorrow. I'm just glad that this week will be over soon.

It's offcial. I am 3 days late on starting my period. Hopefully the clomid actually worked this time (because heaven knows I can't take it again) If not I have a dr's appt on Feb 2nd to discuss other options. (I'll probably end up taking a test end of this week beginning of next week if I don't start (so keep me in your prayers) I'm trying to hard not to get to excited. The last thing that I want to do is get my hopes up again. To top it all off we really really really need to go to the grocery store but can't because the hubby has the car :(

I really should be working on my book or cleaning house, but today I feel soooo unproductive and unmotivated. I really hope that you guys are having a better day than me.

Much love always. Stay strong <3

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