Monday, February 20, 2012


This is just another blog I started. I'm using it as my deployment diary if anyone's interested.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I'm actually sitting in the living room right now thinking about everything that's happened in the past two years and three months that I've been married to my Marine, and I can honestly say that as a person I've grown. I've become stronger, and it's true what they say about the things that we go through only make us stronger. Boy have we been through alot including fertility issues, money issues, Marine issues, and the typical issues that all young couples have to face. I can honestly say that I am proud of myself and where I am at. And, though we are facing our first deployment soon (I have 11 days until I move home) I am excited to say that I can't wait to see how much I grow while he's gone. (though I'll miss him beyond crazy) because that's how it goes. You find out how strong you really are when he's gone. You learn to do things that you never knew you were able to do. When my husband went to Yuma and I was left behind, I learned so much that I's never thought I'd have to do. Including learning to do the basic stuff for our car. DEPLOYMENT I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS

The reason I don't care for Military wives

Is basically, all the military wives here where I'm stationed only want to be friends with you as long as you have something to offer them. When that runs out they totally forget about you.Which is fine because I don't really want to have friends like that anyway. I deserve way better than that because I feel that I am a good person. You don't want to b my friend well then that's your loss not mine. I'd rather stay home and have no friends here then fake friends.

So, I had a friend and we were really close for a while. When she moved to her own home off base we pretty much stopped talking. She kept saying she would come visit but never did. When she said she'd text me when she would come she never did. I ran into her husband at the clinic and he asked me to message her, which I did. needless to say, she never responded back. And, today out of the blue (like a month after I ran into her husband) she finally txted me back asking how I was doing. I responded telling her that I was fine and that I was busy packing. After that, I never heard back from her. I had thought that she was a decent person, but in the scheme of things I guess it really doesn't matter. O well.

The reason I'm writing this is because I guess that kind of bothered me. If you're going to text me don't txt me one time and then forget to text back. But then again, this has been my experience with almost all military wives since I've been a military wife, and like I said at the beginning of the post, I'd rather stay home and have no friends rather than fake friends. :(

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The sea of never ending things to get done

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. Still trying to swim the sea of never ending things to get done. I have about two weeks until I move home and though I've been working on packing I really feel like I haven't gotten ANYTHING done. There's so much left to do I don't think I'll ever get done. This upcoming week is going to be even busier than the last.

Because I've been busy with getting the house ready for the move I've kind of been on a writing hiatus. It sucks I know. I feel like I have a TON of catching up to do. I'm so behind on everything. I just have to keep trucking through. Eventually I will get everything done. :( Gotta go to the store and get more boxes. Lots of Love to all <3

Monday, February 6, 2012

Thought of the day

I really wish I could hire someone to come pack the whole house for me. I have about three weeks till I move home for hubby's deployment and I have so much to do. Everything's just piling up on me and the longer that I procrastinate the less time I have to get everything done. I have to say that I'm happy to be going home, but I really don't want to have to tell my husband good bye. That's going to be the hardest thing that I've ever had to do. We've been together for so long now I'm going to be lost without him. On the flip side, he said that I could get another puppy while he's gone.We already have two wonderful huskies (who will be staying with my amazing aunt) but I want something ALOT smaller so that I can have something with me like a miniture poodle or something. (It's hard to cuddle with my huskies lol) It's not going to make up for the husband being gone though. Oh well, I guess we'll just see how it goes.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Slump

I am so stuck in the middle of a block! I haven't been in one in a looooooooong time. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to be completely stuck. I really need to find some inspiration! It was my goal to finish this chapter of my book this week, but it doesn't really look like it's going to happen. On top of this nasty thing that I like to call "the slump", I've got a million other things to do before this month's over, and today happens to be grocery shopping. Blah, this really isn't my month. I think I'm going to search through some of my older works to try to find some inspiration.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Finally Februray

So, It's offically Februray. bleh. I'm both very happy and very sad at the same time. It's the month for romance with Valentine's day on it's way and my birthday is also his month. I'll turn 21 on the 20th. I'm kind of exctied about it, but eh. It's also the last month I'll be spending with my husband. Because at the end of the month I'm moving home to stay with my family while my husband goes on deployment. I'm excited to go home and see family,but I'm really not excited about being apart from my husband for that long. He's my best friend and I'm going to be so lost without him. Please forgive me if I don't update my blog that much because I've got a million things to do in lou of moving home. I'll keep you updated as much as possible though.

Thanks <3